The MicroSnap™ Total enrichment sampling device is the first of two easy steps for detection and enumeration of Gram positive and Gram negative
aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. Results are available in 7 hours or less.

For more information on how to use the MicroSnap™ Enrichment and Detection swabs please check out our product video section HERE.
The MicroSnap™ Enterobacteriaceae (EB) enrichment sampling device is the first of two easy steps for detection and enumeration of species within the Enterobacteriaceae family including indicator organisms and potential pathogensa. Quantitative results (CFU) are available in 6 hours and absence/presence results are available in 8 hours.

For more information on how to use the MicroSnap™ Enrichment and Detection swabs please check out our product video section HERE.
The MicroSnap™ Coliform and E.coli enrichment sampling device is the first of two easy steps for detection and enumeration of Coliform or E.coli bacteria. Quantitative results (CFU) are available in 6 hours and absence/presence results are available in 8 hours.

For more information on how to use the MicroSnap™ Enrichment and Detection swabs please check out our product video section HERE.
MicroSnap™ Total Viable Count Enrichment Device
MicroSnap™ Enterobacteriaceae (EB) Enrichment Device
MicroSnap™ Coliform & E.Coli Enrichment Device

testing Swabs

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